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AI from a Catholic Perspective
In this post I look at the different perspectives that science and Catholicism have on the topic of AI and things like consciousness.
Adelaide is World’s Most Liveable City – Not
Adelaide’s media is awash with articles about our town ranking #11 on the World’s Most Liveable Cities ranking. Should we not be asking ourselves who is behind this ranking, and how and why they create it?
What is the Best Language for Philosophy?
The question is important because philosophy, dealing with lofty truths that can change the course of history, needs to operate within the right medium.
Fulton Sheen’s Recommendations for Educators
In his autobiography Fulton Sheen devotes a chapter to the noble task of teaching. I present his suggestions for this profession and provide some commentaries.
The Brave New World of Safety
Rules and regulations are infiltrating our workplaces and everyday lives. I respond by saying that the human spirit need risk and adventure to flourish.
Tips to Better Understand Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Aquinas is notoriously difficult to understand for beginners in philosophy/theology. In this post I give a few tips to help you get through the beginning phase of getting acquainted with this thinker.
Giving AI Something We Don’t Have – Common Sense
Scientists are trying hard to give AI another elusive element: common sense. But how can we bequeath something if we’re slowly losing it ourselves?