I am an Australian of Polish descent. I went to the University of Adelaide where I studied Computer Science for 4 years. In 2005 I left Australia for a grand old adventure in Europe that would last for over 13 years. I lived, worked, and studied in 5 countries. I did a Bachelor of Philosophy in Poland, PhD in Computer Science at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland, and a Master’s of Theology spread out across Ireland, England and Austria. I also worked in IT, mainly as a software engineer and then later as a researcher in AI.
In 2017 I returned to my home country of Australia. I lived in Sydney for a year where I was heavily active in the AI department in my company. In 2018 I completed a Master’s in Philosophy at the Catholic Institute of Sydney that I had been working on part-time for a while. From 2019 to 2023 I was an (adjunct) professor at Carnegie Mellon University at their Australian campus in Adelaide. It was very nice to be back in my home town! The photo below is of me with my colleagues just before we were due to present a series of masterclasses. I am the Godfather of CMU.

Currently I’m in living in France in between jobs.
I have a passion for AI, especially Computer Vision. I’ve been involved in the field since 2004 when for my Honors thesis I designed a vision system for a soccer-playing robot. Our team wanted to enter the annual international RoboCup tournament. I’m not sure if they did in the end because I left for Europe shortly after graduating. But since 2004 I have seen the field of Computer Vision grow to what it is today. It’s been an amazing thing to witness and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
I started this blog to complement the blog on AI that I run at zbigatron.com. Philosophy and Theology are also my passions and frequently when writing scientific posts for zbigatron.com I felt hindered that I couldn’t expand on ideas that required more philosophical depth of intellect and reasoning – especially when pertaining to AI topics such as consciousness and the soul. Plus, being an outright Philosopher and Theologian I feel like I have a lot to contribute to these fields too.
Other Hobbies
I am an avid boxer and musician. I have one boxing title: the 2019 Australian Master’s Lightweight title. Although I won the medal by default, I’ll still take it! Hopefully there are more successes in this sport to come. The photo here is of me with Al Mitchell who is the former US olympics team coach. He has led great names like Floyd Mayweather and David Reid. I was lucky enough to participate in a training camp he was running in Marquette, Michigan in 2019.

I also LOVE travelling. I’ve visited 50 countries and counting. The picture below is of me at a school in South Sudan in 2012 (I’m at the far back).

Feel free contact me any time: I’ll do my best to respond as soon as I can.